Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Because today I need to laugh more than normal...

I need to laugh. It has been a depressing day. Spent an hour on the phone with the blessed insurance company arguing with them. But that is nothing to laugh about.

WHILE I was sitting on hold for what felt like an entire lifetime, waiting for another robot sounding "human" to come on the phone, I was watching my cat laying in the sun on our deck. She looked so adorbs just looking at me and rolling around. I watched her as she licked her paw and then rubbed her head as she gave herself a bath. I thought, "AW. How precious." Then, it became not so precious. WHY? Why must the cat always decide it's time to clean DOWN THERE when someone is looking??? She was so cute and cuddly and I just wanted to swoop her up and snuggle her and then the leg went up in the air in a position that does not look to be comfortable, like some sort of Olympic gymnast doing a floor routine in her awkward leotard flashing her hooo haaa for the world to see and I immediately felt nauseated.

So I figured there HAS to be some sort of funny video of a cat cleaning themselves to make this situation less awkward.... I found this. Someone actually posted this on youtube and it is seriously 8 minutes long. It's not funny. It's disturbing. Don't watch for 8 minutes. I did and I will never get that 8 minutes of my life back just as the person who wasted 8 minutes making this video won't.

Really?? 8 minutes. I was bored after 5 seconds

Yeah. Really.

So then I found this. Short. Kinda funny depending on your mood.

quick and giggly

As I looked for videos, I quickly forgot about my disgusting and filthy cat laying in front of me licking her THANG and being all proud and sassy about it. Thank you UNICORNS that people cannot do this. Can you even imagine this? Try. Sitting in Starbucks, sipping my venti skinny vanilla latte and the barista just goes full out in a split and starts cleansing her "area" after she cleans the foam off the mocha maker. YIKES! Thank you for not doing this people. Please don't follow your cats lead anytime in the near future.

Just in case you are curious

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