Saturday, August 29, 2015

Hello my funny friends!

Everyone needs to laugh. I try to laugh every single day because if I don't then what is life about? My husband makes me laugh, my kids make me laugh, my co-workers make me laugh, people just passing by make me laugh sometimes because I think to myself, "Really? Is that really what you chose to wear today?" So here is my starting list of ways to laugh every day.

1. Fart. Out loud. In front of someone. Not only will THEY laugh but so will you because you will be like, "Oh my gosh. I just farted in front of another human being instead of my car, my bathroom, my bedroom, etc."

2. Wear your shirt inside out. When people look at you funny, you will laugh because they will think you are crazy or that you don't even know it but deep down, you will know you did it on purpose just to see their response. A laugh a minute especially if you just walk around town like that for an hour.

3. Watch a goat video online. For real. There are so many goat videos out there that you could die laughing every day for a year and watch a different video every day. Here is one to get you started...

Goat + Tongue = LAUGHTER

4. Walk around a Walmart in your area. Not only are the BEST outfits there but also you will see types of people that you never knew existed. While I loathe shopping there, I have no problem walking around and people observing and walking out with only a Kit Kat in hand.

5. And last but not least, just smile. Smiling makes all of the muscles in your body relax. Smile and think of something funny that happened at any point in your life (or just that goat video you just watched) and you will laugh. Some of my best laughing happened when I thought of funny things that have happened to me (or others). See... Laughing right now thinking about the time my co-worker put dawn dish soap in the dishwasher at work and I walked in to bubbles allllll over the break room floor and she is standing there with a mop (in the dishwasher) trying to clean it all up.

Laughter is seriously the best medicine. Until next time....

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