Friday, January 15, 2016


        My brain is just not right. I know I know, it hasn't been in quite some time but I know there is one in there after five thousand MRI's and CT scans during my brain surgery days but lately it is just fried. I am FINALLY done with school and all I can do is sit on the couch and stare at the TV. Really. There is nothing good even ON TV but I sit there and stare at it nonetheless.
        How does one recover from 5 years of nonstop studying? I've been trying to figure this out for the last month. I've decided I need to make a list. A list of things I need to do and I list of things I want to do and each day I can do one thing off each list. First I have to decide what to put on the list though. I have never been one for lists. I rarely even make grocery lists and when I do I NEVER stick with just what is on the list. If I did, I would never have cookies or ice cream in my house. So I decided to see what other people put in their lists.
This one would be a blast but this isn't quite the productive list idea I had in mind. I may need to make a third list like this one though just to have "need to laugh" list. #6 would be too funny but only if you have a sidekick to record the reaction of the people in the store once you run out!

This list is very much like the list I have in my head currently. It needs a little help but I think it is close to what I am looking for.
Ok. Ok. That doesn't really fix my brain issue I am having at the moment but whenever I see a nap on a list I think it is likely one of the best lists I have ever seen and someone very smart must have written it so I should really do as they say....

And then there was this. This is a beautiful list. A very adult like list that I think many of you may find you need after seeing it.
This list is lovely. I can eat cheesecake and drink wine at the same time which is simultaneously checking off two things on the list. See, already getting better with my brain. Killing two birds with one stone.

Do you make lists? If you do, what do you put on them AND the bigger question is, do you actually complete any list? I guess there is only one way to find out if I am a list kinda girl. I need to just do it. Sit down, make the list (or two or three lists) and try to tackle something other than the pillows in my bed as I fall into them like they are heavenly clouds.

Until next time ya'll. Keep on listin' on!

Thursday, January 7, 2016


It's been a very long time since I wrote on my blog. My life has been complete chaos for the past couple of months. I finally managed to finish my degree and graduated after nearly five years of being mom, employee, wife and student all at the same time. Was SO relieved that it was over and what happens? I get jury duty.

First Monday after I hit the last submit button for my class, I walk into the courtroom thinking it was going to be a quick day as a juror and WHAM. Criminal case that I spent 8 very long days of my life that I will never get back. Normally this wouldn't be horrible but it happened to be the week and a half right before Christmas. Can you say stress much? The case was horrible and I won't say anything about it because it was no laughing matter but I can say something that will make you laugh. When we were sitting in the courtroom waiting for the next witness or waiting for the 500th sidebar to be over, all I could think was WHERE THE HELL IS OLIVIA BENSON??? Why isn't she running into the courtroom with a piece of paper in her hand telling the judge to hold up because she has NEW and INCRIMINATING evidence that will blow this case WIDE OPEN?? I waited. Every time that door opened, I held my breath waiting to see who it was going to be but alas, she never showed. I just love her. Mariska Hargatay or some crazy name like that. Its just Olivia Benson. If I ever meet her I will call her Olivia Benson because that name suits her better than that other name I cannot spell or pronounce.

I just love her. She is just so bad ass. I want to be her some day.
The other day I had a very down day and by down I don't mean sad, I mean like I never got off the couch, got a shower, brushed my hair or my teeth. It was like my body finally crashed after school, court, holidays finally ended. And what to my wondering eyes did appear but an SVU marathon on the USA Network! Thank you unicorns that poop! I spent my day with Liv. Yeah, we are BFF's like that. She calls me Jaim, I call her Liv. Anyway, so there I sat. My fat ass leaving a mark in the recliner. I almost developed a bedsore from sitting so long. My TV even told me I had been watching too long by threatening to shut off because I hadn't changed the channel in HOURS.
Someone recorded me watching hours of SVU

I seriously think I have a problem although in my defense, I DID try to change the channel at 8 'clock just to see if anything better was on TV (like that is even possible) but my husband quickly yelled at me and was like "There is nothing better than SVU so why would you even look!?" Yeah, he's got it bad for Liv, too.

So if you ever need a day like I had, I recommend finding an SVU marathon and just staying put. My only recommendations would be to brush your teeth, and occasionally shift the weight of your ass cheek from one to the other so as to avoid a very sore left ass cheek at the end of the day. If you need a little Olivia before then, here ya go...
i heart olivia benson

Hugs, All! Will talk to you sooner than later!!